Saturday, October 1, 2016

What Is Buah Merah Mix Juice?

Buah merah mix davao Buah Merah means RED (Merah) and FRUIT (Buah). It looks like a Giant Corn and or Carrot.

Buah Merah Fruits   
– Red Fruit is safe
– Red Fruit is 100% Natural – No Side Effects
– Red Fruit can be consumed Long term
– Red Fruit Product has been approved by the  FDA Indonesia (No.Reg. POM TR. 053 642 731)
– It is proven to boost immune system,Buah Merah helps those who have cancer, tumor, cyst, infections, liver problem, diabetes, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, arthritis, hypertension, stroke, prostate irritations, osteoporosis, bronchitis, asthma, and all sorts of generative type of diseases.It  can only be found in 2,000 – 3,000 meters above sea level in Papua New Guinea.

 Buah Merah Research and Studies
buah merah mix davao
Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki
Various doctors, scientists and even tourists from all over the world started flocking the mountainous regions of Papua once the word got out and one of them was Dr. Toshiaki Nishigaki of Tokyo, Japan (Vice Chairman of NGO Research Association of Tropical Medicinal Plants and Consultant of M&K Laboratories).  Studies were made from the extracted oil of the Buah Merah fruit and experts found out that it was very good source of micro nutrient supplement for beta-Cryptoxathin. Dr. Toshiaki presented the profiles of Buah Merah and beta-Cryptoxathin during the 1st Buah Merah Science and Business Meeting held at the Micron's Head Office in Tokyo Japan on May 17,2011. He emphasized the safety and efficacy of Buah Merah for lung cancer, colonal cancer, joint pain, liver dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, virus infection,pms, osteoporosis and among others. It was also noted and buah merah might be associated with quenching ROS/RNS resulting in cancer prevention  and possible treatment.

buah merah mix davao

The "Buah Merah Mix" Research and Formulation

Dr. Toshiaki  Called up his friend in the Philippines, Ms.Jocelyn Alcasabas, a professional licensed chemist, owner and the president of Lynx Nia Medica and Essensa Naturale.He introduced to her the Buah Merah oil exact and its possible uses and applications. It didn't take long for Jocelyn to come up with various formulations from  cosmetics, to liniment pain reliever and a natural health drink that even enhances and utilize the power of Buah Merah. Thus, the Buah Merah Mix Super Anti-Oxidant Natural health drink was born in 2012.  What made this formula unique was the infusion of the other super anti-oxidants known to man and science.( mangosteen, barley, malunggay also known as moringa oleifera, wheat grass and the soursop fruit or guyabano ).

 Made From Synergistic Combination of Fruits and Green Superfoods likes of Barley, mangosteen, Moringa, Wheat Grass, Guyabano, Stevia and Buah Merah Fruit extract

buah merah mix davao
Buah Merah Mix in Improving Health Conditions

No wonder this product " Buah Merah Mix" has created a lot of testimonies and a huge number of followers in just short period of time and the miracles of healing is actually brought about our own human cells called the immune system. Taking just a couple of bottle caps full every 30 minutes before meal can effectively supplement our nutritional daily needs that  we no longer get from our regular diet. But for those with already ailing illnesses, a mega dosage is recommended depending on the seriousness of the disease.The big difference which makes the "Buah Merah Mix" stand out- among the rest of the supplements available in the market today is immediate and most instant effect in improving people's health condition. But these are not intended to treat or replace any medication prescribed by doctors. keep in mind that its just a simple food loaded with nutrients coming from our nature itself which are organic, non-toxic and all natural. Remember the late great father of medicine, Hippocrates? He was the one who said, "let thy food be your medicine and your medicine be thy food"

So let us start the habit of drinking to our health. Cheers!

How to Prepare Buah Merah Mix & Recommended Intakes
Buah Merah Mix contains 30g powdered mix of pure organic, non-toxic and all natural ingredients of buah merah fruit, mangosteen, guyabano, barley, moringa (or malunggay), and wheat grass. No sugar.  No additives . No preservatives.

How to Prepare Buah Merah Mix & Recommended Intakes

Buah Merah Mix contains 30g powdered mix of pure organic, non-toxic and all natural ingredients of buah merah fruit, mangosteen, guyabano, barley, moringa (or malunggay), and wheat grass. No sugar.  No additives . No preservatives.

To prepare this health juice:

1. Dilute the powder, or fill the bottle with 300ml water (cold or normal), or up to the label (see picture)

2. Shake well

3. Open the bottle. Use the bottle cap (takip ng bote) & fill it with Buah Merah Juice

4. Drink the juice from the bottle cap. Then follow up drinking 1 glass of water.

5. Refrigerate and shake again on next use.

Recommended Intakes/Dosage of Buah Merah Mix:
        (Ideal intake is 30 minutes before meal)
1. For daily immune boosting and health maintenance
     - 1 bottle cap (takip ng bote) of Buah Merah juice
         plus 1 glass of water in the morning and before bedtime.
        (ideal also for kids, pregnant & lactating women)

2. For minor sickness like colds and flu
      -2 to 3 bottle caps (takip ng bote) of Buah Merah juice
       plus 1 glass of water in the morning and before bedtime.

3.  For various chronic illnesses
       (like, Cancer; High blood pressure/Hypertension; Diabetes; Alzheimer’s;
       Asthma; Cyst; Anemia; Lupus; Psoriasis; Bronchial, Prostate, Thyroid,
       Liver, Kidney, Ovarian, and Heart Problems; Goiter; Myoma;
       and Other Degenerative Diseases)
       -1 bottle of Buah Merah Juice per day, in 3 divided doses.
       (Take 7 bottle caps (takip ng bote) or approx 100 ml of Buah Merah juice,
        plus 1 glass of water in the morning;
        7 bottle caps in the afternoon
        and also 7 bottle caps in the evening.)
        Don’t forget to drink 1 glass of water after taking the health juice.